free angular course


An Overview of Key Angular 2 Concepts for JavaScript DevelopersAngular 2 has a lot of new concepts for JavaScript and even Angular 1 developers. This eight-hour course is designed to get experienced JavaScript developers up to speed quickly and thinking in Angular 2.

Online Course Details
  • Dates: September 20 & 21, 2016
  • Time: 1:00 PM EDT – 5:00 PM EDT
  • Learn Online: You can attend remotely, for free, from anywhere in the world! Our instructor and teaching assistants will be available during the sessions to help you complete course work and answer any of your questions.
  • Access Recorded Sessions: With your registration you’ll receive a full curriculum, plus links to all the course session video recordings after the course is complete, in case you miss any of the sessions.
Course attendees
  • Experienced JavaScript developers with some experience with single page applications or with traditional server-side development.
  • Angular 1 developers who need to get up to speed on Angular 2 quickly to aid in planning for migration or new work.
Course topics
  • Angular 2’s component model and how to think differently about your application architecture
  • New template syntax and how it makes it easier to understand and think about your application
  • TypeScript and decorators
  • The benefits of ES6 for Angular
  • Routing
  • Angular 2 form builder and validations
  • Dependency injection
  • Testing
  • Observables and immutability (RxJS, ImmutableJS, ngrx, Redux)
Our approach

We stress modularity, test-driven development, strategies for reliable handling of asynchronous data flows, and appreciation for functional programming. This course builds on our earlier “Angular Accelerated” course, which we have offered numerous times and have been continuously improving over two years, incorporating lessons learned from our experience, as well as emerging community best practices.


Students should have the following tools installed: Git, Node.js, a code editor such as Sublime Text, and Google Chrome.



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